Just watch the Rebuild of Evangelion version of Shinji versus Zeruel. And that's not the only time they took a classic song and used it in an anime. And another Gainax-example: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has Libera Me From Hell, a remix between the classic, Latin song "Libera Me", and the up-beat rap-song "Rap is a Man's Soul".In the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, most of the soundtracks have been changed to now HAVE OMINOUS CHANTING ON TOP OF THE MUSIC! It does add to the mood of the scenes, but it sure does freak you out when you know that the voices are chanting. If you actually understand it, the fact that it's Gratuitous English and sounds more like "Fry me touda moo" kind of spoils any suspense it might create. Probably easier to take seriously if you're not a native English speaker and are getting the meaning from subtitles.Especially in the Arael, Armisael and Tabris/Kaworu episodes. The ending theme, "Fly me to the Moon" always seemed a tad out of place, even in the beginning, but by the end in the middle of all the Mind Rape, Heroic Sacrifices, Heroic BSoD's and other assorted wrongness, that damn song just keeps on playing. The last episode of the second season features the ominous "Hanten Tohka", during the debut of her Inverse Form. The first season of Date A Live features the "Seirei" theme for the appearance of Spirits (more specifically, it is used for Tohka before she is named as such by Shido).Cyber Team in Akihabara has his third ending which is a very dark version of the song "Taiyou no Hana" from the first ending (and played in a joyful version for the second ending).The happy tune that Saya sings various songs to early on in Blood-C gets played in a slower, darker manner in the final moments of the last episode.Cowboy Bebop has "See You Space Cowboy", a lower and sadder version of the already solemn ending theme, "The Real Folk Blues", playing near the show's end.The episode is notable not only for having both Popee and Kedamono dead by the end of the episode, but also for being one of the only episodes of this Black Comedy to be banned from the airwaves.

The Popee the Performer episode "Swallower" has a sad instrumental violin and harp cover of its normally upbeat main theme.